Trance Form Nederlands

Logotipos y identidades corporativas

While designing a logo or a complete corporate identity I work in close collaboration with the client. In a number of rounds, in which I propose ideas that the customer can comment on, we go through a  process. Step by step it will become “your” logo and not one of mine. 

At the desktop version there are more examples, but this is the latest:

Wholism Project

The Wholism Project is a spiritually guided Project that is intended to support Earth, humans, animals and plants in the current development into a new era with completely new rules of the game.

Over the years, the Wholism Project has brought me a lot and as a Project Partner I can heartily recommend an introduction.

The official site of the Wholism Project is in Dutch. At the moment, the Project itself is undergoing development and is currently transitioning to a revolutionary new system.

If you are interested let Google Translate do it’s job, but remind that machine translation never is completely correct.

>> Read more: Wholism Project (en holandés)

The Last American

is a travelogue written in 1889 by a Persian prince, who visits the ruins of New York and Washington in the year 2951. There is an interesting twist: ancient people who are archaeological studying a lost, contemporary culture. With the consequently hilarious misinterpretations.

The ePub version was an uncorrected OCR scan, which I digitally restored. Visit my desktop website, where you can download two versions: a compressed low res version (3 MB) and for the real fans a hi res version of 38 MB.

Made with

Sparkle App

Trance Form 2020

Wholism Project

The Wholism Project is a spiritually guided Project that is intended to support Earth, humans, animals and plants in the current development into a new era with completely new rules of the game.

Over the years, the Wholism Project has brought me a lot and as a Project Partner I can heartily recommend an introduction.

The official site of the Wholism Project is in Dutch. At the moment, the Project itself is undergoing development and is currently transitioning to a revolutionary new system.

If you are interested let Google Translate do it’s job, but remind that machine translation never is completely correct.

>> Read more: Wholism Project (Dutch)

Logos and corporate identities

While designing a logo or a complete corporate identity I work in close collaboration with the client. In a number of rounds, in which I propose ideas that the customer can comment on, we go through a  process. Step by step it will become “your” logo and not one of mine.

>> Here are some more examples 

Catalogue of Hennie van Diest

The art catalogue of the famous Dutch artist Hennie van Diest. Text is Dutch, but you can have a look at the artwork.

>> Hennie’s website (Dutch)

>> Download catalogue (Dutch)

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is an interesting and inexpensive alternative to antibiotics. Information on the history and use of colloidal silver can be difficult to find.

So I translated this information sheet into Spanish and English.

>> Download colloidal silver (A-4)

Logo’s en huisstijlen

Een logo of een complete huisstijl ontwerpen doe ik in nauwe samenwerking met de opdrachtgever. In een aantal ronden, waarin ik ideeën aandraag waarop de klant mag schieten, gaan we door een heel proces.

Zo wordt het “jouw” logo en niet één van de mijne.

>> Klik hier voor voorbeelden

>> Lees meer over mijn aanpak

Hier de laatste aanwinst:

Een kleine website voor MeesterBerry, desktop en mobiele versie.

Landing page MeesterBerry

A landing page made for MeesterBerry, private classes. 

The page is completely different from my tranceform,eu site.

Sparkle app, which is not template-based, lets you build your own unique website.

>> Visit (Dutch)

Made with

Sparkle app

Landing page MeesterBerry

A landing page made for MeesterBerry, private classes. 

The page is completely different from my tranceform,eu site.

Sparkle app, which is not template-based, lets you build your own unique website.

>> Visit (Dutch)

Made with

Sparkle app

Work together ?

When you think I can be of help, feel free to contact me.

  • Communication projects
  • Graphic design
  • Websites
  • Image editing
  • Project Partner Wholism Project

Trance Form, 2020